NLP Coaching
Reliving your childhood

Heal your inner child, free yourself from the prison of your past, and experience the rebirth of the true you!

I Can Help You With

One on One session

Take a seat with psychologist Mohamed Wadeed M.A – M.ED. in office or online to experience true breakthroughs, free yourself from your toxic thoughts, and truly heal from within.

I Can Help You With

NLP Course

NLP and Enneagram certified practitioner course:
 A certified course from ABNLP (American Board Of Neuro Linguistic Programming) and IEA (International Enneagram Association)
Through this journey, you will:

  1. Learn the language of your unconscious mind and use it to effectively communicate and unlock the path to your true self.
  2. Have the tools you need to become aware of your sabotaging patterns and know how to break free from them.
  3. Heal your inner child and grasp the true meaning of being present and resourceful.
One to one counseling sessions